Lesson 4 Pronunciation / Vowels and Consonants
Japanese word is made of the combination of vowels
and consonants. There are only five vowels in Japanese.
That is a-i-u-e-o. When vowel and consonant combined,
vowel always comes last except "n"
Take a look at example.(v:vowel, c:consonant)
inu (dog) i nu
(v) (cv)
neko (cat) ne ko
(cv) (cv)
Tookyoo (Tokyo) Too kyoo
(cvv) (ccvv)
pan (bread) pa n
(cv) (n)
Only the vowels can make words like "ao" (blue), "ie" (house), "ue"(above)

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(Lesson 4 Pronunciation / Vowels and Consonants)
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