Lesson 8 / Saitoo-san desu ka?
You learn "desu" and "ka" in this lesson.
Tom has just arrived at Tokyo Station. Miss. Saitoo. Tom's
friends is supposed to wait for him at the station but he can't
find her and is asking the passers-by

Sumimasen. Saitoo-san desu ka?
Excuse me, but are you Miss. Saitoo?

Stranger A
Iie, chigaimasu
No, I am not.

Aa.. Sumimasen.
Oh, I am sorry

Sumimasen. Saitoo-san desu ka?
Excuse me, but are you Miss. Saitoo?

Stranger B
Iie, chigaimasu. Satoo desu.
No, I am not saitoo but satoo.

Aa.. soodesu ka. Doomo sumimasen.
Oh, I see, I am sorry.
While Tom is looking for Miss. Saitoo, she is also looking
for him,

Sumimasen. Tom-san desu ka?
Excuse me, but are you Mr. Tom?

Stranger C
Iie, chigaimasu
No, I am not.
Finally Miss. Saitoo finds him

Tom-san desu ka?
Are you Miss. Saitoo?

Hai, Soo desu!!!
Yes, I am
Let's learn the key sentences "desu" and "ka" Click me