To the Non-Japanese
Are you interested in correspond with
the Japanese?
Are you interested in Japanese foods,
lifestyle, language etc.?
Are you interested in Japanese way
of thinking and Japanese point of view?
Are you interested in what is happening
in Japan?
Can you allow broken English?
(Japanese English)
If your answer is Big Yes, please join us.
To the Japanese
Are you interested in correspond with
the non-Japanese who want to learnJapan.
Is it OK if you talk with the Japanese
in English? Broken English (Japanese
English) is accepted.
Can you tell about what is going on
around you, what you see, what you feel
as the Japanese?
Are you willing to try to explain about
Japanese foods, lifestyle, language etc to
the non-Japanese ?
If you can say Yes to all the questions,
please join us.
How to
Post your message
Sign off temporarily
Resume receiving mails after
Sign off temporarily
Sign off permanently
Any business oriented message
and any description of abusing the
member of the list is not allowed.
The member who posted such a
e-mail is subject to be deleted
without any notice.
ePal International
If you want to find email pals
or partners for language exchange,
please come to another site,
ePals International. Please feel free
to use data base, BS, mailing list etc.