Japan Interactive
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Contents Uploaded
Japanese food and culture / in Takayma
Japanese Lesson 12 uploaded
Japanese Lesson 11 uploaded
Japanese Lesson 10 revised
Japanese Lesson 9 revised
Japanese Lesson 8 revised
Japanese Lesson 7 revised
Japanees Lesson 6 revised
Japanese Lesson 5 revised
Japanese Lesson 4 revised
Japanese Lesson 3 revised

Japanese Culture / Sanmachi Suji in Takayama City
Japanese Culture / Takayama Jinya in Takayama City

Japanese Lesson 2 revised
Japanese Lesson 1 revised
Japanese Lesson 10
Japanese Lesson 9
Japanese Lesson 8
Japanese Lesson 7
Japanese Lssson 6
Japanese Lesson 5
Japanese Lesson 4
Japanese Lssson 3
Japanese Lesson 2
Japanese Lesson 1
Recommended Japanese food of this month
Japanese traditional performance
ePals wanted (data base) added
Female ePals wanted (data base) added
Male ePals wanted (data base) added
Language Exchange pertners wanted (data base) added
Native Japanese Speakers wanted (bbs) added
Pet Loveres wanted added
Anime Lovers wanted added
Travel Lovers wanted added
Photo Lovoers wanted added
Q&A Japanese Language
Japanese pronunciation
Roman Japanese proofreading
Japanese proofreading
Q&A Japanese Net Game
Q&A Japanese Computer
Q&A Japanese Sports

Japanese pronunciation
Brief Japanese Lesson

Q&A Japanese Culture
Q&A Japanese Food
Q&A Japanese Lifestyle
Q&A Japanese Fashiion
Q&A Japanese Anime
Q&A Japanese Education
Q&A Japanese Religion
Q&A Japanese Society
Q&A J-pop

Chat (ICQ) Pals wanted (bbs) added
Language exchange partner wanted (chat) added
Male ePal wanted (chat) added
Female ePal wanted (chat) added
ePal wanted (chat) added

Data base to find the people to ask / tell about Japan has been installed
[Food] Fast food; kaitenzushi, yatai, yakitori, yakiniku,okonmiyaki, etc

[Music] J-pop for December 2
[Food] Kaiseki ryouri; kaiseki course, where to eat.
[Food] Japanese traditional food; dashi, nattou, umeboshi, toufu,etc
[Music] J-pop for December 1
[Food] Let's make Jingisukan nabe
[Food] Let's make ankuo nabe
[Food] Let's make sukiyaki
[Music] J-pop for November 2
[Food] Nabemono; sukiyaki, shabushabu, oden, chanko-nabe, yose-nabe, etc
[Food] Soba, Udon, Ramen; popular soba, popular udon, popular ramen, etc
[Msic] J-pop for November 1
[Food] Sushi: nigiri-zushi, temaki-zushi, chirashi-zushi, oshi-zushi, etc
[Food] Tempura; popular tempura
[Food] Sashimi; popular sashimi, moriawase, various ways to eat raw fish
[Food] Miso soup; wappani, toufu no misoshiru, etc
[Food] Rice dishes; sekihan, takikomigohan, porridge, donburimono, onigiri
21 August
20 August
20 August
20 August
17 August
17 August
16 August
16 August
15 August
15 August
15 August

9 August
9 August

1 August
31 July
30 July
30 July
30 July
30 July
30 July
30 July
30 July
29 July
22 July
15 July
8 July

25 June
25 June
25 June
21 April
21 April
21 April
21 April

April 15
April 15
April 15
April 8
April 8
April 8
April 1
April 1
March 25
March 25
March 18

March 18
March 18
March 12
March 12
Feburary 17
Feburary 17
Feburary 17
Feburary 10
Feburary 10
Feburary 10
January 27
January 27
January 27

January 20
January 20
January 20
January 20

January 6
January 2 2001
December 24
December 17
December 10

December 10
December 3

December 3
December 3

November 26
November 26
November 19
November 12
November 12
November 5
October 29
October 22

October 15
October 15
[Japanese mind]
For or against? Is it women who have to serve tea?
F/A? Japanese husbands are angry with their wives. "Enough is Enough"
F/A? Japanese husbands are angry with their wives. "Turn off the air conditioner"
F/A ? Japanese wives are angry with their husbands. "I' m NOT your kitchen maid"
F/A ? Japanese wives are angry with their husbands. "I'm NOT your nurse maid"

Can you understand? Kangaeteokimasu
Can you understand? Come again, but...
Can you understand? Bureikou

October 8
October 8
October 8
October 8
October 8
October 1
October 1
October 1
[Mysterious Japanese]
Is the strict dress code at many schools necessary?
Why do many Japanese ladies wear Atsuzoko-gutsu, platform shoes?
Why do the Japanese prefer to Chapatsu, dyed or bleached brown hair?
Why do Japanese people condone vending machines selling cigarettes...?
Why so many Cell Phone Addicts ?
Why do the Japanese like Chakumero, Cell Phone melody?
Why do the Japanese read comics even after they are grown up?
Why do the Japanese hold a drinking party under cherry blossom?
Why do the Japanese condone the abominable behavior of drunks?
Why do the Japanese have to drink alcoholic beverages to get along with?
Why get angry whenever refusing pouring?
Why do the Japanese always pour beer or sake quickly?
Why do Japanese students study at cram schools?
Why do Japanese people throw away so many things ?
Why do Japanese people throw away so many things ?
Why do the Japanese eat so fast?
Why do the Japanese slurp when eating "soba", "udon", and "ramen"
Why do the Japanese eat fish with the head and tail for celebrations
Why do the Japanese eat rice cake at new year's?
Why are the Japanese so fond of eating "ramen"
Why do the Japanese like pickles so much?

September 24
September 24
September 24
September 24
September 24
September 17
September 17
September 17
September 17
September 17
September 10
September 10
September 10
September 10
September 10
September 3
September 3
September 3
September 3
September 3
September 3
[Drinks] Precious "sake". Have you tried Japanese sake? Do you like it ?
[Culture] Autumn in Japan
[Topic] Visit Sapporo Have you visit there?
[Topic] Impressed? Funny? Weird ? Snapshots at Oosaka 1
[Topic] Impressed? Funny? Weird ? Snapshots at Oosaka 2
[Topic] Impressed? Funny? Weird ? Snapshots at Oosaka 3
[Topic] Impressed? Funny? Weird ? Snapshots at Oosaka 4
[Topic] Net fishing. Got so much fish. Have you tried this?
[Culture] Pressed flower Do you have pressed flower in your counrty?
[Food] Let's make Japanese bamboo shoots rice
[Topic] Dumping a lot. Same in your country?
[Topic] Do you want to have a private pond like this?
[Culture] Sports day. Do you enjoy these kinds of games at your counrty?
[Food] Let's make miso Yes, you can make it at your home.
[Sport] Sumou. Have you tried this?
[Culture] Oiran douchu. How do you think the festival like this?
September 1
September 1
August 27
August 20
August 20

August 20
August 20
August 6
July 23

July 16
July 9
July 2

June 18
June 11
June 5
May 21
May 21 2000

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